Payment Link

How to add a payment link in a data request
Written by Customer Care
Updated 1 year ago

You can now include a payment link in any profile template ( you can also add a link to point your clients or customers to an additional webpage).

To add a link to a profile, you first need to create a new profile template. Go to the Request Templates section and click New Template

Add the Documents and Basic Details  you need to request as usual

To add the payment link

Click on  Basic Details and Choose + Add Custom Item

Name: you can enter text here e.g. Please pay the fee of £50

Type- use the dropdown  to select link 

HTML text: In this field enter the link you wish to use. You must use this format <a href="payment link here" target="_blank" >Any text you like here</a>

Click Save and now your new profile template is ready to use.

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