Data Requests

Send a Profile Data Request

How to send a profile request to a new applicant or client

Written by Customer Care
Updated 8 months ago

Send batch requests-using a csv

How to upload a csv file to send a large batch of requests

Written by Customer Care
Updated 1 year ago

Payment Link

How to add a payment link in a data request

Written by Customer Care
Updated 1 year ago

Guest Requests/SMS only

What is a Guest Request?

How to create a guest request

Written by Customer Care
Updated 1 year ago

Send a Guest Request-SMS Link

How to send a Guest Request via SMS or Email

Written by Customer Care
Updated 1 year ago

Options for Guest/SMS Requests

SMS Reminders and Messages and Scheduler

Written by Customer Care
Updated 1 year ago

Additional articles


How to set up and use the link

Written by Customer Care
Updated 7 months ago